
Scripture References 

Everything in existence was created* by God, who has no beginning or end but is eternal. He spoke the universe into existence from nothing, whether in the heavens or on the earth, visible or invisible, thrones or powers. He also created all living things, including angels, birds, sea creatures, animals, and humanity.

God created the entire universe in six literal and consecutive 24-hour periods. Genesis chapter one provides an overview of each day of Creation, while chapter two gives a detailed account of specific elements of Creation, namely Adam and Eve.

  • Day 1—God created the earth and outer space. (Genesis 1:1-5)

  • Day 2—God created water, the skies, and the atmosphere. (Genesis 1:6-8)

  • Day 3—God created dry land, plant life, and trees, and formed the seas. (Genesis 1:7-13)

  • Day 4—God created the sun, moon, and stars. (Genesis 1:14-19)

  • Day 5—God created birds and sea life. (Genesis 1:20-23)

  • Day 6—God created land-dwelling animals, then Adam and Eve. (Genesis 1:24-31)

Belief and adherence to the biblical account of Creation are foundational to a believer’s faith. Not only is Christianity founded upon the truth, “In the beginning, God” (Genesis 1:1), but it also answers essential questions like “Where did we come from, and why are we here? Do we have a purpose, and if so, what is it? Why is there suffering, evil, and trouble in the world? Is there life after death, and if so, where do we go and why?”

Creation is the foundational truth upon which the rest of Scripture is built, which, in turn, answers these questions and more. If someone attempts to discredit the Creation account in the book of Genesis, they also seek to remove the remainder of Scripture's authoritative value. Either the Bible is all true, or none of it is true. There cannot be partial truths or half-truths in the Word of God.

(See the Scripture References link at the top of the page.)