Defending The Faith Can Turn Ugly On A Dime

I have always been very protective of my husband and children. But I never realized how my “mother bear instinct” could erupt in other realms until I began defending the faith.

One such instance occurred several years ago when I debated a basic tenant of the Christian faith with a man claiming to be saved.

Our conversation began very amicably with mutual respect, despite our opposing beliefs on the subject matter. However, as the discussion morphed into deeper theological issues related to the first, the division between us felt like a glacier crevasse expanding by the second.

The internal frustration I felt over his refusal to acknowledge and accept Scripture's clear and plain meaning was immense. I soon found myself acting like a mamma bear protecting her cubs each time he twisted a passage in the Bible or interpreted one contrary to sound doctrine.

Eventually, my words to him became encapsulated by anger as I tried desperately to defend and preserve God’s truth. It was not until well after our conversation ended that I realized my emotions had gotten the best of me, and I failed to represent Jesus or my faith well.

Looking back, it never dawned on me that I could have been dealing with an unbeliever masquerading as a Christian who needed to hear the gospel and be saved. I wish I could go back and redo the conversation because I missed an opportunity to present the gospel to him in love.

Thankfully, all was not lost because Jesus used it and other encounters like it to make me more patient when I present biblical truth. I still struggle to restrain my “mother bear” instinct when others malign or distort God’s Word. But, as a wise friend said recently, "Defending God's Word doesn't mean putting others on trial."

What about you? What have you learned through your witnessing experiences or conversations about biblical truth? I would love to hear about it in the comments below.

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