
Scripture References

The Holy Spirit distributes spiritual gifts among male and female believers without prejudice. Both genders are given the same spiritual gifts to grow and edify the Body of Christ. Men and women are called by God to use their appointed gifts in specific capacities or offices according to God’s sovereign design and purpose. The only gender-specific parameters God gave are related to the role of the senior pastor.

Much like God ordained men to be the spiritual leaders of their families, He designated them to be the spiritual leaders of His family, the Church. Therefore, the Bible reserves the role of church pastor exclusively for men to occupy. All qualifications and descriptions of pastors in Scripture depict men. This fact never implies women have less-than-equal importance or cannot teach or lead others spiritually but illustrates God’s church leadership design based on His will, purpose, and sovereign plan.

Women possessing the gift of teaching God’s Word may instruct other women, children, or teenagers in various capacities within the local church. However, using their gift to teach or have spiritual authority over men in church is explicitly prohibited in Scripture since that role is reserved exclusively for men.

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