
 Scripture References

The subject of God’s will is an extensive and exhaustive topic. Therefore, this commentary will focus on God’s will for believers and His general desire for unbelievers.

God’s will and desire for believers can be summed up in three directives: To love Him, love others, and become more like His Son, Jesus. The choice to love God and love others are acts of a believer’s will. They are more than words or feelings; they are actions. If a person truly loves God and has been saved, it will be evidenced in what they do and say, since love and obedience go together (John 14:15). Meanwhile, the Holy Spirit continually works within a believer’s heart and mind to conform them into God’s image, which is accelerated as they yield themselves to Jesus daily.

God’s will and desire for unbelievers can be summed up in one phrase: To save them from their sins. God loves every person equally and desires everyone to repent of their sins and put their faith in Jesus for salvation. God did everything necessary to provide for every sinner’s redemption and forgiveness: He sent Jesus to the cross on their behalf; He dispatched the Holy Spirit to convict them of their sins; He draws them to Jesus consistently, and He gives them faith to believe. However, Jesus never forces anyone to love or trust Him. That choice ultimately lies with each individual and determines whether or not they will be saved.

(See the Scripture References link at the top of the page.)

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