The Fear Of Looking Dumb

Do you fear looking dumb if you do not have an answer to someone’s Bible question? I think we all have a fear of looking stupid or ignorant, especially when someone asks a really deep or problematic question about Christianity.

Early on in my walk with Jesus, I realized:

  • I need a good understanding of essential Christian doctrines.

  • I must read God’s Word consistently if I want its truths readily available within me to share.

  • I can always do research if I do not know an answer and then provide it afterward

Whenever you feel ill-equipped or unprepared to answer questions, use it as a motivator to equip yourself further.  Plus, whatever biblical answers you do not know now but learn will only enlarge your knowledge pool for future encounters.

Be strong and courageous.  You can do this!  Jesus is with you, so how can you ever look dumb?

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